Nov 28, 2011

My job is easier than your job

I love my job. 
We close open at 10 and close at 6 so I never have to wake up early or stay out late.
My boss is the coolest man ever.
I actually like the work! It's right up my alley. 
Most days I have down time for homework, catching up on the shows I watch...
or photobooth...
I kinda went crazy today.
Can you blame me? 
I work alone. Gotta kill time somehow!

Nov 16, 2011

The start of the end

I wrote a letter to a woman I have never met, and yet she was the one who gave me life. It took me a while to know what to say, but in the end I just let it flow. From a letter of 3 pages, all you get is 3 lines.

"Hi Mom! It's me, your baby. I'm all grown up now and doing great. These past 20 years have flown by but I still think about you all the time. I guess that's why I'm writing...

Love Always, Your Not-So-Little Girl"

Nov 14, 2011

an angel did this...

...and brought me to tears.

Seriously. I feel like 4 quarters from an anonymous giver is silly to cry over, but it came EXACTLY at the moment I needed it. Another one of the Lord's tender mercies in my life.


Nov 9, 2011


I hated this movie. SO much.

When I saw previews for this movie I thought it looked hilarious. It had just about every actor you could ask for, so what's not to love right? Wrong. I walked out feeling disgusted and annoyed with the world. It had its moments where you couldn't help but laugh, but not even those could make up for the tasteless content. 

Opening Scene: Woman tells man she wants a divorce. She cheated on him. 
***Great way to start a movie right?***
Man proceeds to drown his sorrows at a bar where he meets the ultimate womanizer. Womanizer then teaches Man how to become a womanizer himself. In the meantime, Cheater Wife continues her affair, and Man's son has a crush on Babysitter. Son reveals rather intimate disgusting information about himself to babysitter, who is revealing intimate disgusting "pictures" with Man to make him fall for her. 

Give me a break. 

SPOILER ALERT: everyone is sleeping with everyone.
oops....spoiler alert should have gone at the start of this post...

There. Just saved you 2 hours of your life. You're welcome.

In the first bar scene between Man and Womanizer, Womanizer asks Man how many women he has slept with. When Man replies that he has only ever been with his wife, Womanizer scoffs and asks him if he is being serious. Man tries to explain that he loved his wife and she is the only woman he ever wanted to be with, but Womanizer still won't take him seriously. 

Uhm. This made me sick. There is nothing wrong with that. Nothing. 
The whole rest of the movie I could not get over how shallow people have become.

Not that I know anything about sex or being in love, but I know for a FACT the 2 go hand in hand.

Nov 8, 2011

To you. From me.

When I saw you here, my first reaction was one of recognition.
The second was a longing to be familiar to you too.

I was. 

In some ways it has been 2 steps forward, 1 step back.

I don't mind. 
They say good things come to those who wait...

I've always been a patient person.