Dec 17, 2011

Called to Serve

We had our UPS and we had our DOWNS. As of December 7, 2011 he will be serving the Lord for 2 years in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
 Sophomore Year...

 HA.HA.HA. we were SO little.

 Homecoming senior year

You will see this pose in MANY more photos... 

 So this one time we stole a christmas tree and put it on the roof of our high school...then 4 cops decided to show up. Nice.

LIke I said.


Summer after senior year

Another awkward one

Mission call time :)


I was toooooo short to plank

 This is our friendship in a wrap

Last night in town :( 

 Okayyyyyy....we we can be cute sometimes.

cues waterworks..the suitcases made it real

This is Jacob (and baby jacob) He is my best friend. I am going to miss him terribly but on the bright side it is only 24 fast sundays until he comes home! 

(I'll miss laughing at that picture every time I go to his house) 

That's a wrap folks. 7 years of friendship in a lil photo montage. 
Too bad we don't have a photographer/videographer followings us around at all times...we are hilarious.
To be continued: 2013

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous18.12.11

    Very cool Rylie, made me cry. Thanks. Ross Gubler
