Apr 25, 2011

Spiritual Nuggets

As I was cleaning out my room I found notes I took during the October 2006 session of general conference! Here are some of the spiritual nuggets I had written down:
"Service is the perfect antidote to self indulgence."-David S. Baxter
"We are required to live for the church, not die for it."-James E. Faust
"Feast on the scriptures, don't nibble."-Robert D. Hales
"When you are worthy to enter the temple, you don't just enter it, it enters you."-Elaine S. Dalton
"The appearance of opposition changes but does not end."-Boyd K. Packer

"God gave us memories so we can have June flowers in the Decembers of our lives"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous24.6.11

    "When you are worthy to enter the temple, you don't just enter it, it enters you."-Elaine S. Dalton
    This quote is my favorite as I have experienced it recently!
    xoxo Aunt LeeAnn
