Apr 24, 2011

Home sweet home.

From one house to another, this is what I have to deal with.
Step one: Pack

All the clothes that didn't have a suit case to go in were exiled to the empty bed. 

Desk full of random crap...

Closet full of suit cases, backpacks, purses, anything that could hold my stuff was put to use.
Step Two: Clean

Ugh. I had to clean EVERYTHING even though I had my own room!

My desk was so empty! The only things I didn't pack: Stereo-I needed it to listen to the songs for my Music 101 test, computer-also necessary to study, phone and grapefruit juice-necessary on any given day, and text books to sell back. Time to jet :)
Step three: Unpack

Since I am re-doing my room the only pieces of furniture I came home to were a desk and chair. Needless to say it made unpacking a little bit difficult.

Minus the storage bins my closet ended up looking pretty good!
As of now I have 5 lists.
"Things to do with Evan"
"Things to get done"
"Things to buy/do for room"
"Where is my stuff?"
"It's June! Don't forget it!"
Lists are just the greatest aren't they?

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