May 6, 2011


10 GREAT things about this weekend.

1. Slumberin it up with Becca and Lauren in Provo

2. Tulip festival. Nothing better than looking at pretty flowers with a pretty friend! It was Gorgeous! Oh my lanta...I would love to take bridal or engagement pictures there someday!

3. Becca's...unique...plies.
"Aaaaannddd, take it to the street! Take it to the street!"

4. It is HOT-3 times.

5. Sunshine! Sunburns! SUN SUN SUN :)

6. BYU baseball game wif ma papa.

7. Walking. We walked SO much this weekend! 2 something hours while looking at flowers, finding our way from the condo to Alpine Village, to Macy's,  back to the condo. Plus the normal walking that is necessary on a day to day basis! 

8. When a certain someone received a phone call from another certain someone. Jumping up and down. Ceaseless smiles. Holding of the stomach (I suspect butterflies). Giddy laughter. 
*spying* precious. One day I will find someone that makes me feel that way. One day...

9. I found out that Becca's condo is directly across the street from my apartment!!! YEAH! Maybe not directly...there is one other building in the way but if you had x-ray vision it would be. But still, it would take like 30 seconds to get there-running. 

10. zip, zip, zip, bong, zip, bong, zip, aaahhhsspppaaahhhhhhhhhahahahahhahahahbhhhhaahehuhuhuhahahapshhhhhah
Translation: The evolution of Becca's laugh. 
"That's not how laughing happens, that's how barf happens!!"

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