May 31, 2012

Life as I know it

Welcome to the Hogwarts Express!

Roommates! On the way to Vadu Izea

Sirius Black was at the train station

All I eat is soup...

Grannys here are the bomb.

Pots in the tree at the bed and breakfast. So cute.

Sometimes when I get sick I lay in Aimee's lap and plug my ears.

Another creeper shot. Thank you roommates.

Matching snapbacks. Best DI purchase EVER.



We love photo booth

Baby Madelina

Baby Andrea
We're the annoying best friends who wear matching clothes...

Puttin on the workers boots in the hitch hikin' truck

At Eli Wiesel's house

Sometimes we have to brush our teeth in the middle of the night behind the train station...

Despite the joyous expression, I truely hate nature. This was a forced pose for yet another iMovie project of Kelsey's.

Goin home.   

I figured out my problem. Now that I feel obligated to blog, I hate doing it. I enjoyed it much more when it was a leisure activity. I want to keep you updated on what I am doing, but I don't have the internet and when I am writing every last detail in my journal it gets a little redundant. I solemnly swear I will post once a week for the rest of my duration here. I'm not promising novels though. Whether it is pictures, eloquent words that have been thought long and hard about, or a list of random events that have occurred, I will provide you with something. I love ya'll, but it's been kind of nice being cut off from the outside world. If you desperate to hear of my adventures, I'm all about Skype these days. I have a 2 hour window available for internet on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Hit me up.

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