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So you know how my last post was about going to Walmart and having awkward encounters with boys I know but don't really know?!
Listen to this.
Maybe a half hour after I wrote that post, I officially "met" some of them. I was at the pool throwing a football around with some guys in my ward when my friend Camie called. She asked if she could come say hi with my other friend Emily, and mentioned she could introduce me to some hotties she knows who live here. I was all over that. So there I was throwing the football when out of the corner of my eye I saw 3 of the guys from my school walk in. Did I say anything...? NOPE :) I know I promised I would, but I was a little too busy trying to throw a good spiral.
Guess who they went and sat by?! Camie. How ironic.
She calls me over, makes introductions and then we chat for a while.
We go to Walmart and who do we see there? One of the boys! And another boy from Bountiful who I actually DO know...we don't just see them once, we see them on the garbage can isle, just walking around the store, in the check out line, and while we were getting drinks at McDonalds. In case that wasn't enough, we also saw them in my parking lot when we got back.
Told you it was ironic.
First they are complete strangers, and now...
They are semi-strangers who I just happen to see all over Happy Valley.
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