Sep 22, 2011

Another post, not another day.

Funny Bunny Becca thought C-Sections and Cesarian Sections were different things. AND, she almost asked what the difference was during the middle of class. How great would that have been? Pretty great I'd say. She's good entertainment, that's why I'm friends with her :D 

This is too perfect. I am actually sitting next to Becca in the library right now and here is a run down of the last 30 seconds of my life:
Me: *Looking up, noticing someone
Becca: You think that boy's cute don't you...? ;)-This means she said it suggestively hahah
Me: Uhm...nope....HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH that is my friend's husband....AHAHAH
Becca: Oh...Well you were staring at him for like 5 whole seconds, so I thought just maybe...
Me: Nope

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